Setting Valve Lash or Lifter Preload for Hyd. Cams
August 21, 2007
There are a number of different methods to setting/adjusting your rockers, I prefer the exhaust open intake closed method. Start by rotating the crank till #1 cyl exhaust lifter/pushrod start to move up/opening the valve, stop rotating the crank and set the intake rocker to the required spec for the cam being used. (specified feeler qauge for solid cams and 1/2-3/4 of a turn preload for hyd. cams) Rotate the crank again till #8 cyl exhaust lifter/pushrod start to move up/opening the valve and set the intake rocker for #8 cyl. Continue through the firing order, rotating the crank each time till the exhaust lifter/pushrod start to move up/opening valve. Once you have set all the intake rockers, rotate the crank till #1 cyl intake rocker completely opens the intake valve and continue to rotate the crank till #1 intake valve completely closes which is when the rocker stops moving and stop rotating the crank and now set #1 exhaust rocker. Continue through the firing order just like you did on the intake valve adjustment setting each exhaust rocker. This is an easy system to remember and will always give you precise adjustment since the actual cam lobe is pretty much 180 degrees away from the lifter. Just remember open exhaust you set the intake and close the intake and you set the exhaust.